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Solo Project

My Role






4 weeks (Spring 2022)



A 14-panel illustrated comic done as a final project for a Visual Communications class. The comic explores the story of Juliane Koepcke, a woman who survived a plane crash in the Amazon rainforest.


Initial Idea

Initially, I wanted to tell a story in a manner where in the beginning it would be unknown as to what had happened to Juliane. It would only be revealed that she was a survivor of a plane crash at the end of the comic, where she is rescued.

image of brainstorm image of brainstorm


Major Improvements

Upon feedback, to add more interest to the story and encourage the reader to learn more about Juliane Koepcke’s story, I made 3 major improvements:

1. In the beginning, it is revealed that Juliane had been in a plane crash that crashed in the Amazon.

2. The main plot revolves around the dangers of the Amazon rainforest.

3. The end is a cliffhanger and it is not revealed whether Juliane survives.

image of brainstorm image of brainstorm image of brainstorm


Final Product

I wanted to add tension to the story. To do that, I laid out the panels in a scrollable, panel by panel layout so the viewer would not see all of the panels at once. I also made the background black to further increase the tension.



Less is more. I realised that to effectively tell a story you don't necessarily need to include all of the details and events. Leaving out certain events that do not drive the plot forward or that reveal too much information adds more interest to the story.

Shapes and lines matter. Since I wanted to convey tension within my comic I focused a lot on the shape language and lines. I used a lot of diagonal lines and sharp shapes to convey the tension and fear.

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